Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Growing A Garden

This year as we tilled up our small garden area, my husband asked what vegetables are 'safe' (anti-inflammatory) for me to eat. I responded by saying let's plant vegetables everyone can eat. His favorite are fresh tomatoes, mine is zucchini. Our kids and grandkids will eat everything! What a delight to be able to offer them a few fresh options.


So often in the city, children do not get to experience growing their own food. They get used to convenience foods as they get rushed here and there for activities or errands. As I watch my daughter prepare to take her kids to the park (or any outing), she always takes along healthy snacks and drinks for everyone. It seems so natural for her to do - and it just amazes me. She works hard to integrate all the food groups into her children's lives and she is mindful of what I can and cannot eat. 

This year we hope to involve the grandkids in caring for our garden. When the time comes to harvest, I will enjoy the look on their faces as they squish into a bright red sweet cherry tomato! You can imagine that freshness, can't you?

One step at a time, we can pass down the tradition of eating a variety of nutritious, FRESH foods that help our bodies grow, develop and THRIVE. My motivation is to build a foundation for these little ones now in their early years, so they won't have to suffer serious health issues in their lifetime. If by chance they do, at least they will understand the importance of having fresh foods in their diets.

Hope you have the chance to plant some vegetables or herbs where you live. Potted plants can thrive quite well too with adequate water and care. Blessings to you and your family. Take care!

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